Cities Beyond Borders: (Re)thinking the Urban Metabolism
Join us for our upcoming webinar "Cities Beyond Borders: (Re)thinking the Urban Metabolism" at the International Ecology Day 2021 as part of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE).
Come and join the Industrial Ecology (IE) Day, ISIE’s first 24-hour international online event on June 21st, 2021!
The call for abstract is now open!
Deadline: May 25, 2020
ISIE: https://is4ie.org/
Submit your abstract here https://is4ie.org/.../international.../submissions
urbanmetabolism #ISIE #ecology #industrialecologyday
Hdma Sdsu @citymetabolism SDSU SDSU Geography Politecnico di Milano
More information:
SLOT 9: Cities beyond borders: Rethinking the urban metabolism
This session is part of the Americas track of the IE day and is scheduled for 5:00-7:00 pm (Berlin, Cape Town) / 4:00-6:00 pm (London) / 12:00 pm-2:00 pm (Rio) / 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (New York) / 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (UTC-5, Bogota) / 8:00-10:00 am (UTC-7, San Francisco) (Slot 9)
While materials and pollution can move freely across boundaries and borders (e.g., national/administrative, political, natural, physical, imaginary, or ethnic borders), a number of issues can hamper the understanding of transboundary urban and socio-economic metabolism. Issues can include: limited traceability associated with different systems for material/pollution monitoring and accounting; different policies and measures to allocate resources, and keep material flows accountable; a lack of information exchange across borders; uneven use and communication of data analytics; etc.
This session highlights the use and array of urban and socio-economic metabolism interpretations across the spectrum along boundaries/borders. How can the use of metabolism studies be applied along neighboring regions? How can we quantify material, energy, and pollution along undefined system boundaries? As a result, how can we work towards a standard and transparent monitoring system (e.g., practical applications, data reporting, tools, etc.) that can be used by neighboring regions?
This session will discuss urban metabolism applications to explore the foundations, limitations, and future research of urban metabolism along neighboring regions, leading to a discussion of the nexus between the complexities of city system boundaries. Topics include (but are not limited to):
(1) Data acquisition and accounting of transboundary material and pollution cycles (e.g., water and natural resources, pollutants and chemicals, recyclables, post-consumer/industrial waste, hazardous/medical waste);
(2) The role of technology innovation in advancing cross-border metabolism studies (e.g., real-time data monitoring, earth observation);
(3) The role of policy and governance in advancing cross-border metabolism studies;
(4) Measuring, monitoring, modeling cross-border metabolism (e.g., resources and medicine flow, people movements) at the time of COVID-19.
Organizers: This session is co-hosted by Dr. Gabriela Fernandez, based at the Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age, San Diego State University (San Diego, California), and Carol Maione, based at the Dept. Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan (Milan, Italy).
Deadline: May 25, 2021