(Circular) Sankey diagrams - what exists and what is useful for urban metabolism data

Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
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As many of you know, Sankey diagrams are a fantastic way for representing urban metabolism data. (See this link for a bunch of urban Sankeys: http://www.sankey-diagrams.com/tag/urban/) So far, we don't have an option for building and visualising data on the MoC data hub, but we would very much like to have it.
For this, we would also like to know from you, what you would expect from a Sankey diagram or tool to be useful? Manual changing and dragging of nodes? Certain icons? Adjusting colors? etc. Have you seen others that you can recommend? Do you want to help build this tool?

We'd also very much like to see Sankey diagrams that the community has already worked on or created themselves and if you know of open source tools or plugins, libraries etc. that can generate such diagrams?

Since we aren't the first ones to tackle this, we have started making an overview of existing visualisations, software etc. and there is already an existing task to "Collect inspiring designs for Data Hub data/flow visualizations"., which we can also use for Sankeys. So, it would be really great to crowdsource more of those resources on this public google doc and to start more conversations around this topic here. Looking forward to hearing from you!

PS: I've put "circular" in brackets as a reminder that these are most useful for trying to see if flows are "circular" / going back into the system as desired by a circular economy.

One key for me: the elements in the sankey should be clickable. If I see a flow in there, I want to be able to click the flow (or the label), and a new page/window comes up where I can find full details (source, data quality issues, description, etc). In the end a sankey is a reduction of something very complex into a simply diagram, which is great, but being able to go back "in reverse" very easily is also important.

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