Nooo... number changed when posting and lead to a disaster! I'm sorry. :-)
Maybe clearer like that:
Hi Paul,
thanks for replying so fast, and yes, actually it's easier with number! :-D
1. You are right and you perfectly understood which was my problem about the Canton Geneva shapefile. I'll try to menage and fix that issue.
2. Great!
3. Ok perfect thanks a lot! I'll take away the tree cover shapefile, fix it and upload it again.
4. Here I let you the list of the large shapefile I need to re-process to assign the correct reference space :
Chemins de fer du Canton Genève
Relations entre bâtiments et chaudières centralisées du Canton de Genève
Inventaire des équipements publiques (points)
Inventaire des équipements publiques (surfaces)
Historique des bâtiments hors-sol et sous-sol du Canton de Genève
Surfaces agricoles recensées du Canton de Genève
Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) du Canton de Genève
Couverture du sol du Canton de Genève
Graphe de l'eau du Canton de Genève
Réseau écologique Genevois, réservoirs de biodiversité
- The other shapefiles I need to process again are those related to point 5 that were alredy marked with "OK" as mentioned above. In their name you have "..du Canton de Genève" but just because the collected GIS data are related to that area, it has nothing to see with point 1.
To summarise they are :
Points de collecte des déchets du Canton de Genève
Installations de traitement des déchets du Canton de Genève
Distribution des espèces piscicoles dans les cours d'eau du Canton de Genève
Cadastre des installations de combustion stationnaires – chaudières du Canton de Genève
Concept énergétique territorial du Canton de Genève
Plans d'extraction des graviers du Canton de Genève
Carte hydrogéologique du Canton de Genève
Cadastre forestier du Canton de Genève
Carte pedologiques des sols agricoles
- Ok thanks, for the shapefile about fish population I see what I need to do. For the other one "Ecomorphologie des cours d'eau du Canton de Genève", the file shows the rivers present in our territory and the give information on their management. So if they are natural rivers or "man managed". Maybe this is also only about the natural environment and consequently not so relevant.
New question.. I have a shapefile with many many bus stop, I process them as a single reference space. Would you recommend to split them into different reference spaces or let it like this?
Thanks a lot as always!