Maureen Ferry
Maureen Ferry
  • Signed up 4 years, 2 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 1 month ago

Maureen is an Architect (ETH Zurich), Global Tech SDG Ambassador and the creator of HouseStories, an organization focused on engaging youth with the built environment for a resilient future using innovative hands-on projects and interdisciplinary curriculum. Leveraging a background in international commercial construction, architecture, teaching and adventure travel, she aims to inspire a fresh understanding of our habitats by providing a global hands-on tour of our 3D world. Her platform has reached audiences worldwide in the education, academic and urban planning fields. As a Teach SDG Global Ambassador for UN2030 and brings a systems approach to the Goals by using the city as a relatable context for integration.

Research interests

I break down complex systems found in our built environment into pieces identifiable as archetypical ideas. From these archetypical ideas, I create hands-on experiences that enable tactile memory, meaning, and context through location in culture and geography. Through my work, I aspire to create new paths of understanding by exploring deeper the iterative process of making. Read and write your 3D world! Research interests include how to engage people with their built environment through:
-Sustainability Education
-STEAM Education
-Curriculum Design
-Community Education
-Product Design
-Global Citizenship
