Hamilton Ortiz
Hamilton Ortiz
  • hacheortiz
  • Signed up 4 years, 7 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 2 months ago

Mechanical engineer from Universidad Nacional (Colombia) and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Unicamp (Brazil). 10-year experience with energy efficiency in industry and building, as design engineer and consultant. In the last years, had worked with energy public policy design, in constant interaction with Brazilian policy makers.
In 2018 founded Sucata Quântica, a collaborative initiative of creative reuse in São Paulo. Sucata started acting directly and physically with upcycling of waste materials from São Paulo streets and "caçambas". Caçamba is the name of construction material waste containers. The initiative evolved to a garage-size workshop to produce upcycling furniture and lamps, mainly.

Research interests

- Upcycling and creative reuse as massive practices
- Industrial ecology at different scales and contexts
- Environmental Life Cycle Analysis
- Energy Efficiency and renewable energies
- Thermoeconomics and exergy analysis
