Lisa Harseim
Lisa Harseim
  • Signed up 4 years, 2 months ago
  • Last seen 4 years ago

Lisa Harseim contributes since May 2019 as research assistant to the research project “Urban Footprints” which had been newly created at the HafenCity University Hamburg at first. Additionally, since September 2019, she is supporting the new Junior-Professorship “Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems” in its establishment phase. With the Beginning of 2020 she will increasingly work on her own graduate studies on the topic of polycentric phosphorus management.

As a result, she is currently researching urban stewardship- and transformation processes of infrastructure and lifestyles, emission mitigation and sustainable resource management.

Research interests

Predominantly, Lisa Harseim researches urban governance mechanisms of CO2e-emissions and resource management. Her focus lies on food supply and nutrient cycles, in particular of phosphorus whose sustainable stewardship as a finite, critical and irreplaceable resource becomes increasingly important. Further interests lie in the methodology of Industrial Ecology and transformative science.
