Nikita John
Nikita John
  • Signed up 4 years, 2 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 4 months ago

I am an architect by profession, who arrived in Germany to pursue my interest in sustainability in the field of architecture and planning. I completed my masters, and find myself having made the journey, of zooming out and seeing the bigger picture. I began with a singular building and now find myself looking at entire cities and trying to answer in the smallest ways, just like in a house, how can we make all the parts work together seamlessly for its people and make it a home.

Research interests

My master's course focussed on 'Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning', my research for my master thesis looked into analysing affordable housing policy in India and the supporting infrastructure that contribute to its sustainability. This, in convergence with our work in the Urban Footprints Project, working on accountability in urban governance, has led up to my current research interest, to look into the role of participation in ensuring accountability and reduced emissions in urban infrastructure provision in the Indian context.
