Shauhrat S. Chopra
Shauhrat S. Chopra

Dr. Shauhrat S. Chopra obtained his Integrated Masters of Science in Systems Biology from the University of Hyderabad, India in 2011. He received his PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 2015. His doctoral dissertation was focused on the resilience of complex systems including economic systems, industrial symbiosis, and critical infrastructure systems at urban and national levels. Before joining the School of Energy and Environment, Shauhrat worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, the University of Illinois at Chicago, on the U.S. EPA funded LCnano project focused on sustainable design of future transformative nano-enabled products. His data-driven research is focused on designing indicators for the sustainability and resilience of the built environment in support of environmental decision-making.

Research interests

My research plans revolve around the development of multidisciplinary projects that will address pressing challenges for building a socially just and sustainable future—a future which is not only environmentally and economically feasible but also resilient. To achieve this goal, his research involves designing and applying systems-level modeling approaches to numerous areas that include:

Industrial ecology and symbiosis
Life cycle assessment (LCA) for emerging materials and technology
Ecosystem goods and services management
Climate change adaptation
Disaster response and recovery
Interdependent urban infrastructure systems
Food production systems
