Kangkang Tong
Kangkang Tong
  • tkangk
  • Signed up 4 years, 2 months ago
  • Last seen 3 years, 10 months ago

Kangkang (KK) Tong is an urban systems scientist. Currently, she holds the position as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at Princeton University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is also a researcher in the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network.

Tong has an interdisciplinary education background. She holds a bachelor’s degree (Bachelor of Science) in Environmental Sciences, a Masters’ Degree in Ecology, and a Ph.D. degree in Public Affairs on the track of Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy.

Research interests

Tong’s research is at the intersection of urban systems, climate change, and social equity. Her research explores how urban systems contribute to deep-decarbonization and social equity under ongoing energy transitions. Her specific areas of focus are: 1) modelling urban energy use and carbon footprint across multiple-spatial scales; 2) identifying unique opportunities that urban systems can provide to deep-decarbonization; 3) urban energy justice from distributive perspective, i.e., the distribution of energy use and the benefit of energy policy among socio-economic-racial groups in cities; 4) analyzing the sociotechnical transitions of urban energy systems focusing on key social actors in the process.
