Develop system to integrate raw data converter scripts

Created on Friday 26 August 2022, 19:26

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Programming work
  • Tags
    General data hub improvements
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Paul Hoekman

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When data are being uploaded repeatedly from the same source, and significant reformatting of data is needed in order for our system to read this, then this creates quite a hurdle for a user to update data. It would be very helpful if we allow users to write a script that reformats data, and that this script is automatically being run when data of a specific dataset is being updated.

We might want to make use of e.g. Jupyter notebooks which are quite user-friendly. Or direct python code? Let's see what the best approach would be.

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Task was assigned to Paul Hoekman

Some of these features have been embedded in the /water/ subsite.

I've stepped down from my Metabolism of Cities involvement but if another volunteer wants to pick this up later and ask me any question about this, feel free to reach out and I'll try to assist where I can.

Paul Hoekman is no longer responsible for this task