Show data visualization on reference space page

Created on Monday 29 August 2022, 20:21

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Programming work
  • Tags
    General data hub improvements
  • Assigned to
    Paul Hoekman
  • Subscribers
    Paul Hoekman

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When we have a reference space which has data associated with it (say, wastewater treatment flows for a wastewater treatment plant), the system currently displays a table with all the data that has been found. However, it would be great if we could show the same kinds of data visualizations as the ones that we show on the dataset page. Ideally we can customize things a bit:

  • The user can select which data visualization(s) to display, just like on the dataset page (perhaps we default to whatever is shown there)
  • The user can choose which data to visualize (there could be multiple datasets associated with a single reference space, and it is important that the system doesn't just group this and show this).
  • Maybe even have an option to show multiple datasets on the same page...?

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Task was assigned to Paul Hoekman

Status change: Open → Discarded