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Review Social Media Guide
Created on Friday 3 July 2020, 10:42
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities
TypeDesign work
Tags2020 Launch Sprint Good entry-level task
Assigned toCarlos Soto
SubscribersCarlos SotoKim Finlay
With our community expanding and the potential for more people to get on the posting side of our social media train, I've put together a short summary of the basics. There's been some suggested updates on a few things since the last editorial guide:
Font: It is now explicit what the preferred font for visuals is, and I've offered an alternative pending your review!
Language: Previously, Metabolism of Cities could only be written about in the third person. As we have started pushing our sense of community, camaraderie and collaboration, I recommend we make some changes to the way we reference ourselves in writing. Now anyone writing on behalf of us uses collective pronouns that more accurately portray our sense of community and inclusivity. Things like "Join Us", "Collaborate with us" sound more welcoming than "Collaborated with Metabolism of Cities"
Colour One additional colour for your review
Please add comments and suggestions to the pdf. Looking forward to finalising this :)