Create logo

Created on Monday 26 October 2020, 14:49

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Education Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Design work
  • Tags
    Spanish course: data processing
  • Assigned to
    María Gracia Yepez
  • Subscribers
    María Gracia Yepez
    Paul Hoekman

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We need a logo, similar to the ones here.
Please use the same layout but with a different background, and create a new logo for the upcoming course:

Procesamiento de datos

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Hi Paul, here is the logo with a different background and name of the new course

Task was assigned to María Gracia Yepez

Great stuff!! Can you upload it here to the course?

Status change: Open → Completed