Write content for the Data hub - description for the landing page

Created on Thursday 20 August 2020, 13:08

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    General review work
  • Tags
    2020 Launch Sprint
  • Assigned to
    George Wieber
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt
    George Wieber
    Paul Hoekman

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At the moment, there is only some "Lorem ipsum" text under the header of "What is the Data Hub?" of the page. This landing page might still change, but it would be nice to have some text there that describes the Data Hub a bit (even if only temporarily).

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Task was assigned to George Wieber

Status change: Open → In Progress

I wrote this up as a temporary placeholder or at least a starting point for that section:

"The Metabolism of Cities Data Hub serves as a central repository for a wide variety of information pertaining to urban metabolism in cities around the world. Whether you are looking for resources on a city’s infrastructure, stocks and flows, biophysical characteristics, or more, the Data Hub’s well-defined structure allows users to easily search through available information. As an ongoing project, this tool is continuously improved through crowdsourcing uploads of new data and information sources. Contribute to this ongoing project, fulfill your information needs, and explore what the Data Hub has to offer!"

Let me know what you think! I don't believe I can directly change the text on the website?

Status change: In Progress → On Hold

Great George, thanks a lot! We're prepping the final structure itself for the data portal, so while doing that we'll put this text in place. Thanks!!

Hi George, just so you know I have now embedded the text in the back-end, so those with curation privileges for the Data hub can edit the text here. I'm now busy with the restructuring of the page itself and will bring in this text.

(BTW I think you can mark this task as completed... all done!)

Status change: On Hold → Completed

Great, thank you! I'm not sure I have curation privileges? I get a notification that I do not have access when I clicked on the link. If this is intended, then no worries!

Hi George,

Yeah that is correct at the moment, as you haven't been configured as a curator in the data portal. We'll sit down after launch to see who want to be involved in the curation of which subsites to properly configure things!