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Upload MFA data from paper: Energy and material flows of megacities
Created on Sunday 4 April 2021, 07:26
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
StatusIn Progress
TypeUpload Data
TagsData Hub Priority Plan 2021 MFA integration
Assigned toAristide Athanassiadis
SubscribersAristide AthanassiadisPaul Hoekman
This 2015 paper includes a wealth of MFA data for over 20 cities. Accompanying this paper is the following dataset, which includes the raw data used for the analysis. This document contains a large number of highly relevant data points, and reformatting this dataset and then uploading it into our system would be incredibly useful so that we can kickstart a large number of cities with very relevant data. It might also allow us to try and replicate some of the analyses and visualizations that were developed in this paper, in order to trial our own system.