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Set up economic data processing
Created on Tuesday 13 April 2021, 07:59
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
TypeProgramming work
TagsData Hub Priority Plan 2021 Multi-scale integration
Assigned toNo one yet
SubscribersCarolin BellstedtPaul Hoekman
At the moment, there are 9 processing queues or tools (e.g. city boundary selection) in the processing section
With the Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 looking to multi-scale integration and the CityLoops cities having collected a lot of economic data (on GDP, GVA and employees), it will become very interesting and useful to have the economic data processing functional as well. This is because it will allow for an eventual integration of this info in the urban context section, as well as for downscaling calculations from national to city level data, for example. As soon as the IRP data is added, the respective economic data becomes relevant too to break it down.
So far, the work flow for this queue has not been set up yet. But, it can build on the existing ones and much like people are seen as "stock" in the demographics processing, employees could also be seen as stock in the economic one. GDP and GVA could be understood as a flow and processed accordingly.