Set up economic data processing

Created on Tuesday 13 April 2021, 07:59

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Programming work
  • Tags
    Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 Multi-scale integration
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt
    Paul Hoekman

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At the moment, there are 9 processing queues or tools (e.g. city boundary selection) in the processing section

With the Data Hub Priority Plan 2021 looking to multi-scale integration and the CityLoops cities having collected a lot of economic data (on GDP, GVA and employees), it will become very interesting and useful to have the economic data processing functional as well. This is because it will allow for an eventual integration of this info in the urban context section, as well as for downscaling calculations from national to city level data, for example. As soon as the IRP data is added, the respective economic data becomes relevant too to break it down.

So far, the work flow for this queue has not been set up yet. But, it can build on the existing ones and much like people are seen as "stock" in the demographics processing, employees could also be seen as stock in the economic one. GDP and GVA could be understood as a flow and processed accordingly.

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Hey Paul,
Aris and I wanted to check in on this with you to see if this is still on your radar and if you have the same understanding around seeing the economic data as flows and stocks:

  • GVA and GDP could be the same as flows: One would add "GVA" or "GDP" instead of an EMP code column, and the ISIC or NACE code could be added in the segment column
  • As for employees data, the population template could be used and in its segments column, again ISIC or NACE codes could be used to classify in which sector people work.

Does this make sense to you? Can we help in any (direct) way to make progress here?

Hey Carolin,

It is on my radar, but not with a tangible action plan (it's not really the most fun to work on). The best way to work: let's organize group work sprints and get others involved, get the Priority Project underway... that would be great motivation for me to get going. I will embed some sort of voting system before the work sprint so that you can vote this one to the top and I will promise to work on the top ones first ;-)

I think we can think of them as stocks and flows but I would really need to sit down properly for this and want to ensure we don't complicate things by taking shortcuts.

Ok, roger that. Get others to be informed and actively engaged, as planned, is also the way to go here - got it :) I will have to pull out some tricks to influence that new voting system then.

Jeje ok great ;-)

And yeah the best way to get me to work on not-very-fun tasks is to make me feel we're all plodding along as a group ;-)