New task was created
Process the uploaded Local Administrative Units (LAU) files
Created on Thursday 15 April 2021, 11:30
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
TypeUpload and curate items
TagsData Hub Priority Plan 2021 Multi-scale integration
Assigned toNo one yet
SubscribersCarolin Bellstedt
We already have the LAU files for various years uploaded by Aris, but they still need to be processed. This is yet another piece of the downscaling and multi-scale integration puzzle.
- Local Administrative Units 2019
- Local Administrative Units 2018
- Local Administrative Units 2017
- Local Administrative Units 2016
This task gives you the chance to score double points!! First when going through the processing steps, and second for completing this task. How can anyone resist? :)
General instructions
Add new items and process them by adding a title, thumbnail description etc and adding to a list/tag/section