New task was created
Make an overview of the Priority Plan's flagship cities
Created on Thursday 15 April 2021, 14:24
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
TypeCommunication and engagement
TagsData Hub Priority Plan 2021 General data hub improvements
Assigned toCarolin Bellstedt
SubscribersCarolin BellstedtPaul HoekmanYves Bettignies Cari
For the Data Hub Priority Plan, a number of cities that we have been working on, already have quite some data and/or are part of our projects, were selected to become our "flagship cities". These will be key for the different aspects of the priority plan, so that we can test if and how the tools that we are building are working. This is because we of course need to have data in those to see what happens. It also means that while those tools are designed and prepared, everyone can help and start going wild on getting data on all levels.
So far this, we need to have an overview of them that we can refer to and keep track of where things stand (e.g. what kind of spatial files we have etc.). To get us started, a simple google spreadsheet will be enough. Later on, we can think about making a small section on them in the ABOUT part of the menu or include them in the DHPP (another abbreviation 🙈😅) page.