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Review the specification for MFA integration (1/3)
Created on Saturday 5 June 2021, 11:36
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ProjectMetabolism of Cities Data Hub
TypeSpec review
TagsData Hub Priority Plan 2021 MFA integration
Assigned toGerardo Ezequiel
SubscribersGerardo EzequielPaul Hoekman
Once the specification for MFA integration has been written, then it will be urgent and important to get some fresh eyes on this. We need multiple people to review this document and provide their input. If you have an interest in this project and are keen to contribute to this, then be sure to sign up for this task! There are 3 identical tasks, and we hope to get 3 different people to review the initial document and provide feedback.
You can already grab this task even if the document is not yet completed. Make sure to also sign up for updates in the main task for the spec itself, so that you are informed once this is ready and you can then start right away.