Carlos Soto
Carlos Soto
  • CE_Soto
  • Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)
  • Signed up 5 years ago
  • Last seen 2 years, 3 months ago

Carlos holds a B.Sc. in Urban Planning with postgraduate studies in Urban Design and a Joint European Master Degree in Urban Climate and Sustainability (MUrCS) at GCU (UK) in partnership with LAMK (Finland) and the University of Huelva (Spain). Carlos has worked in urban projects of different scales in Latin America, as a consultant and urban practitioner, also as an Adjunct Lecturer in Urbanism at Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela. He is currently a Senior Project Officer working in strategic policies for sustainable movements in a local authority of Scotland.

Research interests

Carlos is interested in the spatial dimension of circular economy in cities, urban competitiveness, and climate-sensitive planning. These topics he has approached in his master thesis and also by collaborating in industry-based research.

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Jun 21, 2020 Finalize logos for new sites
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 03, 2020 Review Social Media Guide
Metabolism of Cities 5
May 18, 2021 Set the GPS coordinates for cities without boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 8
Total 18

Ongoing work

Task Project Status
Export data from the Waste Atlas Metabolism of Cities Data Hub Open
Upload employment per ISIC code for countries Metabolism of Cities Open